The Outcomes Star as a management information tool

The Outcomes Star is well established as a tool for supporting effective keywork and demonstrating achievements. Here, 'Triangle's Research Analyst, Dr Anna Good, discusses a third benefit, the opportunity for internal learning. This new briefing describes how Star data can be used to improve service delivery.

Learning from Star data at all levels of the organisation

Over three-quarters of Outcomes Star users in our client survey said Star data reports were ‘useful for learning how their service was ‘doing’ and ‘helpful in managing or developing the ‘service’. Indeed, Star data can provide meaningful management information at all levels, from a service manager reviewing a single ‘worker’s caseload to a senior management team reviewing data aggregated across services. 

Alongside other data (e.g. satisfaction surveys, output and process data), Star data reports, such as those available from our upgraded Star Online System, allow organisations to ask increasingly focused questions about what is happening with the people they support.

Managers can gain essential insights by looking at differences in starting points and change across outcome areas, client groups, and service settings.  Because these insights are likely to be greatest when compared against prior expectations, Triangle has produced resources to support ‘Star data ‘forecasting’.

Learning from Initial Star readings

The distribution of first Star readings provides a valuable overview of people’s needs coming into the service. Star readings can be compared against expectations to ensure that service users are entering the service appropriately and are offered suitable interventions.

An excellent example of the use of first readings is in Staffordshire County Council, where they look at start readings to see if the families are at the right level of service. In our interview with the Commissioning Manager at the time, she told us that “if we have families in our Family Intervention service that have readings of five, I look a bit deeper to see if we’re really using our resources correctly”.

Learning from change in Star readings

Movement in Star readings for each outcome area also provides an opportunity to learn where things are going well and when further exploration of service delivery may be warranted. 

For example, if one service shows different outcomes to another service, this is a starting point for further investigation:

  • Is there other evidence that one service facilitates better outcomes than another?
  • Are there reasons why one service might be supporting people better than another?
  • Is the service user profile different in the different services?
  • Is practice significantly different in that service, and might there be lessons for other services?

A more in-depth analysis of the movement from each Journey of Change stage is also possible, offering more significant potential for learning than typical numerical outcome scales. Managers can explore which stage transitions are happening frequently and where there may be blockages to making other transitions. For example, a service may be very good at helping service users to begin accepting help but struggle more with moving them towards greater self-reliance, limiting the progress currently being made. Specific changes to service delivery might then need to be developed.


Please download our new briefing, ‘The Outcomes Star as a management information tool for more detail on how Star data reports can be used to improve service delivery. If you would like more information or support about the use of Star data, please get in touch with us at or +44 (0) 207 272 8765.

Outcomes Star Licensed Trainers – Continual Professional Development programme (CPD)

In this blog, Laura Baker, Trainer/ Implementation Lead and Kate Hamill, Training Manager of the Outcomes Star, detail how Triangle has launched a new online annual CPD programme to support licensed trainers.

Before the pandemic, we were all familiar with training delivered face-to-face in city-centre venues, and Triangle had already started trialling new ways to support licensed trainers. Still, the pandemic accelerated our plans to develop and deliver a new CPD training programme online for our global Outcome Star licensed trainer community.

Our CPD programme has increased engagement, increased communication and generated significantly more opportunities to share top tips and good practices.

During the last twelve months,  we have delivered a wide range of informative and interactive sessions focussed on supporting our community of licensed trainers (LT’s) across the globe. We aim to provide key ‘takeaways’ in every session for licensed trainers to immediately use in their own training rooms.  The intensive development and delivery process results have been very positive, and over 53% of our global Licensed Trainers have already attended sessions. 

Our new and free online CPD programme is now available to book for 2022, using both MS Teams and Zoom to deliver the sessions.

“The (CPD ) sessions are an inspiration.”

We are committed to providing the highest quality training support to ensure the highest quality use of the Outcome Star suite of tools. We want to thank all those who have attended, and we look forward to welcoming more of our Outcomes Star licensed trainer community into your free CPD sessions soon.

Licensed Trainers can download the full timetable with details and registration information here or book their places below.


Please note that the above sessions are subject to change. Licensed Trainers must complete a total of 6 hours of CPD training across the year in order to maintain their LT status. These sessions cover a range of subjects and draw on specialist knowledge and information across Triangle and beyond. Licensed Trainers are encouraged to book sessions in areas that are of interest to their work and organisations.

For more information on how to become a Licensed Trainer and the CPD sessions please contact us.