Find the Star that’s right for you
Since the publication of the original Outcomes Star for homelessness in 2006, Triangle have worked with a wide variety of collaborators to develop versions of the Star specifically tailored for different sectors, service types and service users.
Find your sector in the list below, and click on it to see more information about the Stars available in that sector. You can also refer to our Which Star? Guide for more advice.
If you’re not sure where to start with outcomes, you might find it useful to first identify the outcomes your service is aiming to achieve – this can then help you choose the right Star for your service. Read our simple guide here.
If you don’t find a Star that fits your needs, you might want to explore developing a new version with Triangle. Visit our Developing Stars page for more information.
Explore the Stars available for the sector you work in
Star sectors in alphabetical order
- Older Persons Star: for people in later life
- Independant Living Star: for independence at home
- Carers Star: for people caring for others
- Life Star: for young people and adults with learning disabilities
- Independence Star: for the armed forces community
- Student Star: for young people with additional needs, in college settings
- Life Star: for young people and adults with learning disabilities
- ADHD Star: for adults managing ADHD
- Attention Star: for attention, learning and behaviour
- Community Star: for community involvement
- Youth Star: for youth work
- Change Star: for men who are participating in a behaviour change programme or other service for perpetrators of domestic abuse
- Family Impact Star: for people affected by the addictive behaviour of a family member
- Justice Star: for people in the criminal justice system
- Recovery Star Secure: a varient of the Recovery Star for adults in secure settings
- Victim of Crime Star: for people needing support to overcome the impact of crime
- Disaster Recovery Star – A Star for people impacted by natural disaster
- Change Star: for men who are participating in a behaviour change programme or other service for perpetrators of domestic abuse
- Empowerment Star: for women who have experienced domestic violence
- Family Impact Star: for people affected by the addictive behaviour of a family member
- Shooting Star: for children and young people in school
- Student Star: for young people with additional needs, in college settings
- Pathway Star: for people overcoming barriers to work
- Work Star: for work and learning
- Family Impact Star: for people affected by the addictive behaviour of a family member
- Family Star (Relationships): for protecting children from conflict between parents
- Family Star Plus: an improved variant of the Family Star and is designed to support effective parenting
- Family Star (Early Years): for use with parents of young children (specifically designed for use with young children (0 to 5 years) and in lighter-touch interventions)
- My Star: for children
- Music Therapy Star: for children accessing Music Therapy
- New Mum Star: for preparing for and looking after your baby
- Parent and Baby Star: for perinatal mental health and well-being
- Planning Star: for young asylum seekers
- The Support Stars: for children and young people facing serious illness
- Little Star for children with motor impairments who are receiving Conductive Education and/or other therapies
- Disaster Recovery Star: A Star for people impacted by natural disaster
- Preparation Star: for living well right to the end
- Sexual Health Star: for young people and their sexual health
- The Support Stars: for children and young people facing serious illness
- Well-being Star: for adults self-managing health conditions
- Little Star for children with motor impairments who are receiving Conductive Education and/or other therapies
- Home Star: for people with housing and other needs
- Young Person’s Star: for young people moving to independent living
- Planning Star: for young asylum seekers
- Tenancy Star: for housing tenants and their families
- Independent Living Star: for independence at home
- Disaster Recovery Star: A Star for people impacted by natural disaster
- Family Impact Star: for people affected by the addictive behaviour of a family member
- Parent and Baby Star: for perinatal mental health and well-being
- Preparation Star: for living well right to the end
- Recovery Star (4th Edition): for mental health and well-being
- Recovery Star Secure: a variant of the Recovery Star for adults in secure settings
- My Mind Star: for young peoples mental health and well-being
- Disaster Recovery Star: A Star for people impacted by natural disaster
- Planning Star: for young asylum seekers
- Integration Star: for refugees
- Family Impact Star: for people affected by the addictive behaviour of a family member
- Drug and Alcohol Star: for drug and alcohol recovery
- Teen Star: for young people with complex needs including substance misuse
- Family Impact Star: for people affected by the addictive behaviour of a family member
- Planning Star: for young asylum seekers
- My Star: for children
- My Mind Star: for young peoples mental health and well-being
- Shooting Star: for children and young people in school
- Student Star: for young people with additional needs, in college settings
- Support Star (Young People): for children and young people facing serious illness
- Teen Star: for young people with complex needs including substance misuse
- Young Person’s Star: for young people moving to independant living
- Youth Star: for youth work
Make sure the Outcomes Star is suitable for your service
The Outcomes Star doesn’t suit all service delivery approaches and settings. Before exploring the different versions available, you should make sure that the Outcomes Star is applicable for you. Any version of the Outcomes Star will be applicable if:
- You have an on-going relationship with your service users in which you meet one-to-one on a regular basis
- You want to measure outcomes as an integral part of the on-going work of your organisation rather than through occasional research
- You want to measure progress on all or most of the areas in the Star
- You want to measure distance travelled towards end outcomes rather than just whether or not an end outcome has been achieved
- You want to use the data in an on-going way for learning and service-improvement.
If the points above aren’t true for your service, then you may want to get in touch with us to talk it through before you continue to look into the Star. You may need to consider other tools and approaches, and the Inspiring Impact programme is a good place to start.
If you are struggling to get started with what outcomes means for your service, try our simple guide to defining outcomes.