The Gambling Recovery StarTM

The Outcomes Star for people with gambling related problems


The Gambling Recovery Star is a holistic way of supporting and measuring recovery

The Star explores 8 key areas which can both contribute to and be affected by gambling addictions and so allows keyworkers and service users to have better conversations about the progress that is being made.

  1. Gambling
  2. Family and close relationships
  3. Connection and community
  4. How you use your time
  5. Money
  6. Physical health
  7. Emotional well-being
  8. Your sense of identity

Supports effective keywork support and outcomes measurement

The Gambling Recovery Star has been designed specifically for organisations that work with individuals to support them in recovering from harmful gambling and its effects. It does this in two key ways:

  • It is a key-work tool which focusses on several key areas which were identified as holistically important and significant for persons with gambling problems. These conversations can be structured and enable keyworkers and service users to build rapport. The Star helps support staff to open up and empowers them to have difficult conversations.
  • It captures valuable information about how each service user is progressing, where their strengths are and helps to identify any areas they may need additional support. This data can help to visually demonstrate to both service user, and keyworker the changes that occur. This also enables organisations and projects to evidence the impact they are having.

Developed and tested with keyworkers and service users

The Gambling Recovery Star was developed by Triangle during 2020 in collaboration with frontline organisations that were based in Australia. A primary collaborator was  Relationships Australia Queensland (RAQ). The Star was funded by Gambling Help Innovation Fund, Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General. Centacare North Queensland, Lifeline Darling Downs and South West Queensland and UnitingCare Community for participated in the development alongside RAQ.  To find out more about the development process, feedback from workers and service users and psychometric testing see the Gambling Recovery Star Development Report.

86% of service workers on the pilot found that the Star gives them a better idea of service users support needs

Evidence based and psychometrically tested

A full literature review of factors supporting gambling recovery was conducted as part of the development. This was in addition to testing of the psychometric properties of the pilot version and following a comprehensive workshop and piloting process with the collaborators, keyworkers and service users.

“The Gambling Recovery Star is a useful tool for self-reflective purposes and as an incentive for further change in addiction and self-concept”

The Gambling Recovery Star. Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited

The Gambling Recovery Star is a version of the Outcomes Star which is designed for use with organisations who are supporting individuals with substance abuse, or addictions. In particular it is designed for use with people who have gambling related problems.  Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star. We are also actively researching into the psychometric properties of the Integration Star and Star data and intend on publishing a factsheet for this Star. Contact us for more information.