Little Star™

The Outcomes Star for children with motor impairments

Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited

The Little Star has been developed to support children with motor impairments who are receiving Conductive Education and/or other therapies. It is designed to be completed by a worker who is offering professional support to the child, together with the child’s parent(s) or primary carer(s).

The Little Star was developed by Triangle with the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity. Particular thanks goes to the conductors, therapists and service users for collaborating in the development and testing of the Little Star.

The Little Star covers seven outcome areas essential to life for children with motor impairments:

1. Gross motor skills
2. Fine motor skills
3. Cognitive skills
4. Communication
5. Social skills
6. Self-care skills
7. Emotional well-being

The Little Star is built on a five-stage Journey of Change:

1. Not yet settling
2. Settling
3. Responding
4. Actively exploring
5. Progressing well

The aim is to help children move towards as much independence as is possible for their age, condition and ability, while recognising that although some children will move on to mainstream schools, with support, many will continue to require a lot of specialist help.

Full materials are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all managers and workers using the Star.

Star development collaborator