13th July 2021
Stock image of a homeless woman pushing a shopping trolley in an empty car park

Women and the Homelessness Star

Research Analyst, Dr Anna Good reflects on her recent attendance at Homeless Link’s conference

8th July 2021
The Change Star banner

New demonstration dates for all clients in August

New Star Online demonstration dates (for clients) coming up in August

28th June 2021
Stock image showing a man sitting on a chair gesturing and talking to another man (back only visible)

Launching the Gambling Recovery Star in Australia

pAul Montgomery reflects on the recent launch of the Gambling Recovery Star and how it empowers clients to be agents of change

21st June 2021
Cropped Stock photograph of a man pushing a person in a wheelchair on a tarmac road

How Carers First use the Carers Star in their work

We recently caught up with Ferne Haxby – one of our Outcomes Star licensed trainers – and learned how the staff at Carers First use the Carers Star in their work. I’ve been the Learning & Development Adviser for Carers First since 2016. My role includes ensuring the organisation is compliant by providing statutory training […]

16th June 2021
The Change Star banner

Free Star Online orientation session for clients this July

Triangle is running free demos for client organisations in July.

15th June 2021
Stock photograph, tinted green showing hands planting parsley in dry sandy soil

The Outcomes Star: helping make trauma informed philosophy practice

5 ways that the Outcomes Stars directly support trauma-informed working

10th June 2021
Integration Star banner

The Integration Star and refugees – common questions and answers

Frequently asked questions about using the Integration Star and how it can be used to support services and service users Last October, Triangle launched the Integration Star, the Star to support refugees to integrate into life in the UK. The development of the Star has been a collaboration with the Refugee Council and the Star […]

3rd June 2021

We’re reviewing the Family Stars

Triangle begins the review process for new and improved editions of the Family Stars

26th May 2021
Stock image showing two peoples arms and fist bumping as a greeting

Introducing the new and improved Youth Star to practitioners

The 2nd Edition of the Youth Star: what’s changed and what practitioners need to do to use it.

25th May 2021
Old black and white photograph taken of a group of people in Hong Kong

Going back to my roots: Presenting the Carers Star to the Carers Awareness Day in Hong Kong

Star co-creator Joy MacKeith reflects on how the Carers Star is taking her back to where she started life in Hong Kong.