Launched: Home Star, the new Star for homelessness and other needs

Triangle is excited to launch the new Home Star after a significant two-year review process in collaboration with service providers and people using homelessness and housing services.

Why we reviewed the Star

Much has changed in the housing sector for both people and service providers since the Star’s last revision in 2017. The environment has got tougher, and more services are shorter term. People’s needs have become more complex and there are now more women accessing support services. We were aware some areas of the Star could be improved, and we were keen to bring it up to date.

How we reviewed it

Over several years we listened to people using this Star, had meetings, a workshop and roundtable, then put out a wide call for feedback to all users we could contact. We are grateful to many people who shared suggestions and reviewed successive drafts, include those from MEAM, Crisis, Homeless Link, P3, Two Saints and PIE in the UK and Salvation Army, Ruha and Unique Outcomes in Australia.

What has changed?

The new edition – the Home Star – is a substantial improvement, in the language, scales, design and resources.

The Home Star is better suited to women and those with ongoing, complex needs. The language is more sensitive to people experiencing trauma and more explicit about housing, economic and other factors beyond someone’s control. Scales where there were issues have been revised, to include being a victim of crime and the possibility that drugs, and alcohol may be a coping strategy.

We have improved the look of the core materials and added new resources to support engagement and accessibility, including flashcards.

See our webpage for more about the Home Star. If you already use the Homelessness Star, please see our guidance document for how to switch to the new Home Star.

To learn more about the development of the Home Star, please see our Development of the Home Star report.



Ways to Wellness: The Well-being Star within social prescribing

Ways to Wellness recently published a report we contributed to, celebrating six years of their innovative and internationally recognised social prescribing service. 

The service supports people aged 40-74 years old with specific long-term conditions, many of whom have complex medical, practical and social needs. GPs refer patients to receive support from link workers for 18 months and the Well-being Star is used to assess clients at baseline and then approximately every six months. So far, over 4,500 patients have completed two or more Well-being Star readings. 

Triangle are always keen to encourage learning from Star data and we were encouraged that Ways to Wellness recognise the value of ‘analysing impact data and using findings to inform adjustments to the service’. We supported Ways to Wellness to go beyond the outcomes measurement required by the funders, to explore in more depth the needs and progress of their clients. The Star data reports shown in their report are based on those provided by our recently upgraded web application, ‘The Star Online’.  They showed that 86% of clients moved forward in at least one outcome area, with the highest proportion progressing in ‘Your lifestyle’ – an area most frequently identified as needing work by clients.  

Ways to Wellness are a good example of an organisation that shows a commitment to getting the most out of the Well-being Star.  We have also worked with them to explore how consistent and accurate their link workers were in applying the Well-being Star scales, finding good ‘inter-rater reliability’.  

Click here for more information about the Well-being Star including a case study of the use of this version of the Star in health settings and psychometric validation. 

If you would like more information or support about the use of the Well-being Star, please get in touch with us at or +44 (0) 207 272 8765.

Apply to Access’ Impact Management programme

Triangle were recently confirmed as registered Providers for the Impact Management Programe launched by Access, the Foundation for Social Investment.

The Impact Management Programme aims to build the capacity of charities and social enterprises to manage their impact.  It includes training, peer to peer support, expert advice and grant-funding for Impact Management projects.

As registered Providers for the ‘Growth’ strand of work, Triangle will be supporting organisations to develop grant-funding bids and provide funded programmes built around the Outcomes Star as part of a wider approach to Impact Management.

Full information about the programme including how to apply for grant-funding can be found here

Seasonal news from Triangle

December 2016 marks 10 years since publication of the original Outcomes Star for the homelessness sector. We never imagined that 10 years later there would be 30 Stars and 30 people working with Triangle in the UK, with Stars used in more than a dozen countries worldwide and translations including Finnish, Italian and Chinese. Triangle has needed to learn and develop rapidly to respond.

2016 main highlights:

  • Publication of the Independence Star for the armed forces community and Justice Star for the criminal justice sector
  • An easier to use update of our Training Manual for 300+ active Licensed Trainers
  • Unique Outcomes joined as our new service provider in Australia
  • New courses and options and training in a farmyard, dance studio, racecourse, castle plus some less glamorous locations!
  • Star data analysis with new advanced reports to better evidence change and reveal more meaningful insights
  • After a rigorous process, the Justice Star was approved by NOMS – the UK government National Offender Management Service – for use by one of the collaborators.

A few snippets we’re pleased about:

  • The Star was mentioned in the House of Lords
  • We have agreed 3 year deals with a number of significant clients to really embed various Stars – contact us about longer term deals
  • Several clients successfully embedded the Family Star Plus into Early Help Assessments
  • We have an agreement with Corelogic to include the Star in Mosaic and are working with other big software providers
  • Up to October 2016, over 525,000 Stars have been submitted on our Star Online web application
  • We’ve trained 8 new Licensed Trainers in our most northerly UK venue so far…Stornaway (Isle of Lewis)

Internally in 2016:

  • We grew by a few more people, and can now really help people implement the Star well, think creatively about new challenges and welcome new interest in the Stars
  • We took a deep breath and made the move to a proper client management system, thereby reducing detective work and responding better to people getting in touch
  • We updated the Star licences options – keeping prices the same and starting to simplify our communications

2017 main highlights:

  • An unprecedented number of new Stars under development – we still find the process fascinating and meaningful. In spring 2017 we will publish the Tenancy Star for vulnerable tenants in housing associations. Others include a version for supporting people to have often difficult conversations about death and priorities towards the end of life
  • A new, easier to use website for the Outcomes Star and Triangle. Good design is key to making the Stars clear and accessible while modelling complex change and we are enjoying learning more about the importance and impact of design
  • A review of the Star Online – we may be in touch for your views and have a number of improvements already planned
  • Further guidance on using Star data for learning and evidencing outcomes, working closely with organisations interested in more in-depth analysis
  • Telling people about the Stars – only around half the 30 Stars are known and widely used so in 2017 we will find ways to let people know about the others.

Supporting organisations to use the Star well will continue to be the bulk of our work – through our client services team, implementation managers, Star trainers, international collaborators and through developing new tools and products to respond to needs and opportunities as they emerge.

And, with the end of 2016 marking the 10-year anniversary of the Outcomes Star, we’re hoping to celebrate and share the story of the Star throughout 2017 – watch this space!

We would like to send festive wishes to the many thousands of services, keyworkers and service users who use the Outcomes Star every day. If you’d like more information about any aspect of our work past, present or future then please contact us.

Outcomes Star highlighted to House of Lords Committee

The Outcomes Star has been highlighted to the House of Lords Select Committee on Charities as a simple and beneficiary-focused way for small and medium charities to measure and support change.

Last week, Paul Streets, CEO of Lloyds Bank Foundation, gave evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on Charities around the charity sector’s approach to impact and evidence.   Having highlighted that too often, charities are driven to performing around what’s in a contract rather than what matters for the beneficiaries, he went to explain that the Outcomes Star is one way in which they support specifically smaller charities to overcome this, and to measure and support the work they do:

“I believe that funders, government and ourselves, should support organisations to do this (evaluation).  For example, a very simple measure is something like the Outcomes Star, which is beneficiary focused, it can create a conversation between the client and the charity, and the data it gathers can be aggregated up (for funders).”

You can watch the full Select Committee session here – the Outcomes Star gets its first mention around the 16.08.30 mark:

Triangle have been working with Lloyds Bank Foundation since 2015 and provide Enhance support to charities funded by the Enable and Invest Programmes, including Star training, licences and implementation support. So far we have supported 30 small and medium charities to use the Star, helping them to embed an outcomes-driven way of working into their services as well as capture outcomes data for the beneficiaries they support.

If you are a funder and would like more information about how the Star can be incorporated into your programmes, please get in touch with us for an informal chat about how we can help.

If you are a small charity and you would like to use the Outcomes Star in your service, contact us for more information about how we can make the Star as accessible as possible for you.

For details of the Lloyds Bank Foundation’s programmes including the Outcomes Star as part of the Enhance programme, please visit their website:

Developing a new Star for supporting sustainable tenancies

Today, our collaborators Loretto Care launch their pilot programme, testing out the new, draft Tenancy Star with young people.  The pilot will be led by their expert staff and will gather feedback on the new tool directly from young people who are living in social housing or in private rented accommodation, and who may need additional support and/or be at risk of losing their tenancy.

The Tenancy Star is being co-produced with Loretto, with development beginning in June 2016 and publication planned for early 2017.

For more information about Loretto please visit their website

For more information about developing new Stars in collaboration with us at Triangle, please see ‘Developing new versions’ on our website or contact us on or 0207 272 8765.

Loretto Care are today launching the pilot of the Tenancy Star with young people – a new version of the Outcomes Star being co-produced by Triangle with Loretto Care and the young people they support

Changes to the way you can access the Outcomes Star – launched today!

A few weeks ago we announced some changes we were making to the way people can access the Outcomes Star.  For the full information, you can read that email here.

These changes go live today:


  • Updated account fees for all licence types, but without any increase in prices for existing clients
  • New access to full Star materials via the Star Online’s web portal for all licence holders
  • New resources for Licensed Star Users, including licence-stamped Star materials and a Licensed Star User certificate and logo for display
  • Some changes to training prices in the UK


We’ve also made some significant improvements to our systems and processes behind the scenes to help us support our clients to make the most of the Star for their services and the people they support.

If you’re an existing Star user your organisation should have already received any relevant information that you need to know about what these changes mean for you.

If you haven’t received this information, or if you have any queries at all about these changes or any aspect of the Outcomes Star, please get in touch with us using our contact us form, via email on or on +44(0) 207 272 8765.

Changes to the way you can access the Outcomes Star – launching June 2016

We’ve been working on a number of changes to improve the way Triangle supports organisations to use the Outcomes Star.  The changes will launch on June 22nd 2016 and are across four areas:

  • Stamped PDFs, badges and certificates for Licensed Star Users
  • Access to all materials via the Star Online portal for all licence types
  • Updates to the licence types and introducing an account fee approach
  • Review of Star training prices in the UK

On May 24th 2016 we sent out more detail on these four areas via email – please click here to read that email in full.

If you have any queries or want to know more about what this will mean for you then please get in touch with us on or 0207 272 8765.

New Family Star tools for Scotland and Early Years

With our suite of Family Stars widely used across early years and family services, we are continuing to develop and respond to organisations using the Star, with new tools for services in Scotland as well as for families with babies and very young children.

Our Family Star tools are used by leading voluntary services and over 50 Local Authorities, including the Family Star Plus which was developed with Leicestershire County Council to better match the requirements of the UK Government’s Troubled Families Programme, and My Star for children, developed with Family Action, Action for Children, Westminster Council and Coram. We are always looking to respond to our clients and to help organisations to use the Stars as effectively as possible, and so we are about to publish two new tools within the Family Star toolkit.

The first tool has been developed thanks to Fife Council in Scotland, with additional input from Dumfries and Galloway Council, and is designed to support Scottish services in using the Family Star Plus in the context of the Scottish Government framework: Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC). Each outcome area on the Family Star Plus has been aligned to the GIRFEC well-being indicators (SHANARRI – Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included) with bespoke Flashcards and detailed guidance to support Scottish services report to commissioners against the GIRFEC framework using Star data. These are available now, at no extra charge, for services with licences and training – just get in touch on

The second tool is the Family Star (Early Years), a variant of the Family Star designed specifically for use with parents with babies or young children aged 5 and under. It has been developed in collaboration with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Early Help and Children’s Centre Services. It includes a specific outcome area looking at child development, whilst also being a ‘briefer’ format than the other Family Stars, making it ideal for less intensive interventions with parents, including drop-in groups and other children’s centre work with some one-to-one support.

Family Star (Early Years) will be available from the end of June 2015 for services with training and licences for all workers and managers using the Star. For services already trained and licensed to use the Family Stars, no additional training or costs are required. For more information or to register your interest in the Star, please get in touch via or on 020 7272 8765.

New Justice Star™ – youth collaborator needed!

Do you work with people involved in the criminal justice system? Do you want to capture and report outcomes information whilst also supporting positive change? We are currently piloting the new Justice Star with a wide range of collaborators and are looking for a Youth Service in the UK to join us.

With over 20 versions of the Outcomes Star available, we are delighted to be working with 10 collaborators to develop a new addition to our family of tools: the Justice Star, for people involved in the criminal justice system. Our collaborators span three continents – UnitingCare West in Australia and the Fortune Society in New York, combined with Leicestershire Police, Sodexo Justice Services, Lifeline, The Shaw Trust, North London Forensic Services, Lancashire Women’s Centres and Barnardo’s Family Support Services in the UK.

Thanks to the input from our collaborators, we are now at pilot stage and have navigated a number of choices and debates both with collaborators and within Triangle ourselves. Our collaborators were keen to have one version of the Star if possible, and so our multi-discipline team here at Triangle have brought 12+ years of experience to the ‘jigsaw puzzle’: creating a tool for young people, parents and women; incorporating a focus on accommodation and work both in the community and in custody settings; working bottom up whilst matching to the 7 UK Offender Pathways; and bringing consistency, colour and clarity throughout the development.

The pilot Justice Star is now being rolled out with our collaborators, and is relevant for people on short-term custodial sentences, approaching release or in the community1. Although we are delighted with the variety of collaborators we are working with, the testing of the pilot Star specifically with young people is limited. Therefore we are looking for one to two Youth Offending teams or similar, in the UK, who would be interested in working with us – collaborators need to cover some costs and train workers involved in the pilot. Please get in touch with us at or 020 7272 8765 for more information.

Full publication of the Justice Star is scheduled for early 2016 – we’re looking forward to the feedback and learning from our collaborators and would like to thank them again for their investment and involvement so far.

1 The Recovery Star Secure was developed in secure settings and is relevant for people on long-term sentences. More information available here.