The Families and Children sector

Explore the Stars available for family and children’s services

The family and children services sector is mainly served by both the public sector and the voluntary sector. Services here often work along the ‘continuum of needs’ from universal support through to the Early Help Plan and up to acute services.

Our series of Family Stars are widely used by local authorities in the UK to both support and measure change. Triangle offer a variety of Stars in this sector, each designed to meet a specific service user group or service type.

Family Impact Star (Addictions)

The Family Impact Star is suggested for use with the family members (partners, close friends or adult children) that are impacted by the addictive behaviour of someone close to them. 

Family Star (Early Years)

Family Star (Early Years) is a version of the Family Star specifically designed for use with parents with young families, with children up to the age of 5. It is also in a short format making it more suitable for use in children’s centres and similar settings.

Family Star Plus

Family Star Plus is an improved variant of the Family Star and is designed for use with parents. The end outcome it supports people to achieve is effective parenting, and the outcome areas it covers correspond to the UK Government’s Troubled Families programme.

Family Star (Relationships)

The Family Star (Relationships) is a Star developed specifically for use with services who work with families experiencing inter-parental conflict, and where that conflict could negatively affect effective parenting and the well-being of the children. It should be used instead of another Family Star rather than alongside. 

The Little Star

The Little Star has been developed to support children with motor impairments who are receiving Conductive Education and/or other therapies. It is designed to be completed by a worker who is offering professional support to the child, together with the child’s parent(s) or primary carer(s).

Music Therapy Star

The Music Therapy Star is one of the most sector-specific Outcomes Star available and has been designed for use with children accessing Music Therapy services.


My Star

My Star is the Outcomes Star for children. My Star is designed to be used with children in families receiving services, being looked after by foster parents or in a children’s home. It can work well when used alongside the Family Stars for parents.

New Mum Star

The New Mum Star  is a new Star developed to support organisations working with young women who need support during pregnancy as they prepare to be first-time mum’s and after their baby is born. 

Parent and Baby Star

The Parent and Baby Star is a Star developed specifically for use with both mothers and/or fathers who may need extra support during pregnancy and for the first year after birth.  It is designed to support perinatal mental health and well-being. 

Planning Star

Unaccompanied asylum seeking children and young refugees have a complex set of needs, and the Planning Star has been designed to specifically address these needs and challenges and capture the impact of support offered, and provide good practice benchmarks for the sector.

The Support Stars

The Support Star (Young People) helps young people facing serious illness to talk about the impact of their illness on different aspects of their life and identify any support they may need. The Support Star (Parents) is designed for use with parents of younger children facing serious illness.