Using the Outcomes Stars – from Practitioner to Trainer
Farida Thomson reflects on her personal experience of using the Outcomes Stars (specifically My Star and Family Star Plus) as a practitioner.
If you are already using either of the Family Stars in your service, here you can find all the information you need to know about the new editions.
The new editions replaced the old editions on Outcomes Star Online in May 2023.
For support with any aspect of the update or anything else relating to the Outcomes Star, please contact us.
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Triangle is committed to ensuring that the Outcomes Stars stay relevant and continue to support best practice.
With the Family Stars developed in 2010 and 2013, much has changed since then for families and the services that support them. Triangle’s own practice and approach, for example to trauma-informed language, has also moved on.
So in 2021 we started a process of consultation to hear feedback about the Family Stars from the families, practitioners and funders who use the tools, and then developed the new editions to:
You can read more about the development process in our Development Summary.
The new editions are a significant improvement and have been very well received. The changes support acceptability, implementation, and good practice.
In summary:
The new editions replaced the previous ones on the Star Online. This means that:
The outcomes data gathered using the old and new editions is broadly comparable, meaning that we do not expect readings to be affected.
The new editions were added to the Star Online, May 22nd 2023. Please ensure that you log onto the Star Online and download the new User Guides and Star Charts to replace the existing resources that you may have saved internally or are using in your own system.
To brief practitioners on what to expect in the new edition you can:
Training in the new editions has been available since April 2023. There is no obligation for those who are already trained to have refresher training, however this would be an ideal moment to do this.
For Licensed Star Trainers, training resources for the new editions has been available from Outcomes Star Online since May 22nd 2023.
It might be useful to explain that:
You can download preview copies of the updated User Guide here and preview copies of the new Flashcards here.
The full resources were published on May 22nd 2023 when the Family Stars on Star Online were automatically updated to the new edition.
We’ve recently published a blog and developed some specific guidance for mapping the Family Star Plus outcome areas to the Supporting Families framework. Find out more here.
For support with any aspect of the update or anything else relating to the Outcomes Star, please contact us.
Farida Thomson reflects on her personal experience of using the Outcomes Stars (specifically My Star and Family Star Plus) as a practitioner.
The new Supporting Families outcomes framework was taken into account when creating the recently published 2nd edition of this version of the Star.
Triangle developed the first Family Star in 2010, in collaboration with Camden Council in London as part of their innovative focus on outcome measurement. It
Triangle to launch new editions of the Family Star Plus and Family Star in April 2023, mapped to the Supporting Families Initiative 2022-25. Read more.