The Preparation Star™

The Outcomes Star for living well right to the end

Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited

The Preparation Star is a visual tool to support conversations about what is important to people when they consider their final years or months. It may be most relevant for people following a diagnosis, or for those who are elderly or have a health condition, but is also relevant to all of us at any point in our lives. It can be used to start and guide a conversation with professionals, support workers, family, friends or others – or for internal reflection and self-completion.

The Preparation Star covers nine areas:

  1. Pain management
  2. Symptoms and side effects
  3. Care and dignity
  4. Family and friends
  5. Doing what matters to you
  6. Finances
  7. Legal and practical aspects
  8. Advance wishes
  9. How you feel

Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star.

We are also actively researching into the psychometric properties of the Preparation Star and Star data and intend on publishing a factsheet for this Star. Contact us for more information.