Pathway Star™

The Outcomes Star for people overcoming barriers to work

Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited

The Pathway Star is designed for use with people who need considerable support if they are to move towards work. This includes people currently facing significant barriers to work, such as health or housing problems, substance misuse, crime, domestic abuse, family culture (including generations of people not in work) or household finances.

The Pathway Star was developed by Triangle with service providers and commissioners from Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. It is likely to be most useful for services supporting people as they start to make changes, such as leaving the house more, up to the stage when they can engage in mainstream employment services where that is a realistic option, or when they have found alternatives to work if it is not realistic for them.People who are already able to apply for work or training are advised to use the Work Star. People reach the top of the Pathway Star scales when they are actively moving towards a working future and are either ready to engage with mainstream employment services or engaged in supported work or volunteering, if that is more suitable for them with adults out of work or returning to the workplace.The Pathway Star is a holistic tool and covers eight key outcome areas:

  1. Skills
  2. Stability at home
  3. Money
  4. Healthy lifestyle
  5. Emotional well-being
  6. Family and relationships
  7. Friends and connections
  8. Confidence and aspirations

The Pathway Star is underpinned by a five-stage Journey of Change:

  1. Not yet ready
  2. Talking about it
  3. Giving it a go
  4. Keeping going
  5. Managing OK

Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star. For more information please contact Triangle. See a preview of the Star here.